Who should see a Cancer Genetics Specialist?
Anybody who is concerned about their own risk or their family’s risk of cancer can see a Cancer Genetics Specialist such as a Genetic Oncologist, even if they haven’t had a cancer themselves. However, some family histories are more consistent with an inherited risk of cancer. For example, a family that has all of the following features:
- 3 close relatives with cancer
- in 2 generations
- with 1 person diagnosed before 50
Other clues can be:
- Cancer occurring at a young age
- A family member with more than one type of cancer
- Specific types of cancers occurring together in the family (eg breast and ovarian cancer)
- Rare cancers
- A particular type of a common cancer (eg “triple negative” breast cancer)
For a more detailed guide, as well as information about who may be eligible for a Medicare funded genetic test, see our referral guidelines for GPs